Where to Find the Best Hikes in Belize


Why hiking is a must-do in Belize
Jungle vibes on the trail


Pristine turquoise waters, impossibly lush jungles, and sky-high Maya mountains turn an outdoor adventurer’s dreams into reality. We’re talkin’ Belize, baby! But with so many natural wonders, how do you choose which places to explore?

Well, we’ve got the answers. Make the most of your Caribbean getaway by tackling the incredible hikes in San Ignacio and Bocawina National Park, making waves in Glover’s Reef, and more! Let’s take on Belize the Explorer Chick way. Are you ready?

Belize, According to Explorer Chicks

Belize, According to Explorer Chicks
Explorer Chick SHE-nanigans in Belize

Hiking, snorkeling, and kayaking glamping-style in Belize? Yes, please! This trip may sound un-BELIZE-able, but it’s even better than it sounds. Explorer Chick Mary can confirm.

explorer chick belize facebook comment

She says joining the EC Belize adventure was the best thing she ever did (we’re blushing). And the friendships she made? They’re lifelong.

facebook - explorer chick - belize group

BTW, gals on our recent Belize trip confirmed that line fishing is so much easier than it seems. And get ready to try TONS of new snacks on your hikes, courtesy of Miss Jungle herself.

Ready to Go Hiking in Belize?

Make a huge dent in your bucket list in a single trip to Belize. It’s an adventurer’s gold mine! You’ll trailblaze rainforests, navigate ancient cave systems, and zipline, rappel, or dance your way to life-changing memories. Join our all-girl crew and take on Belize the Explorer Chick way. Start packing now!

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