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Why were we put on this planet?


To change the lives of women through adventure travel


Explorer Chick exists to create a space for women to discover their superpowers. And we do it through life-changing travel with a supportive community in the most beautiful places on earth. We believe there’s magic in traveling with friends and strangers to new parts of the world experiencing challenging adventures and unfamiliar cultures. Without fail, Explorer Chicks return home from their adventures changed. Changed how? It’s unpredictable, but absolutely unmistakable the instant it happens.


Why only women?


No one cares if your pedicure has chipped or if your hair is greasy from three days in the mountains. The mascara, the underwire, the weird fake voice you use with colleagues – it’s left behind for a spine-tingling sisterhood that makes you feel safer than bear spray.

Welcome to women’s travel without any judgement, expectations, or feelings of inadequacy. No pretending to be something you’re not. Come as you are and discover deep connections with friends who are gonna love you in your purest and weirdest state.

Lose yourself in honest conversations with other women that are just so cathartic and you feel SO seen that you want to throw up. Deep talks with other women are time machines. We feel ancient and brand new when we talk about hard stuff with other badasses who’ve been through it.

So in a way, our trips aren’t just adventures around the world. They are physical, emotional, and sometimes spiritual journeys through our own scars. And while no one is expected to share their life story around the campfire, the invitation is always there.


You = Our Nacho Nucleus


Explorer Chicks are the gooey center of it all. You’re about the only thing we’re super serious about around here. And it’s written in our guiding principles to treat you with endless love and respect like we’ve been bffs since second grade.

Our Dream Team mantra propels this notion forward – Give them what they never dreamed possible.

Every decision we make at HQ revolves around what else we can do to put a big, fat, golden retriever smile on your face. Everything from planning the itinerary to sneaking in pop-up surprises to hyping you on social media, is designed to help you feel deliciously powerful. So you can’t help but find your edge.


Forever for Women by Women.


Nothing about Explorer Chick happened by accident. Our founder created the company she needed the most – A travel company with actual adventures, a loving misfit community, and a genuinely caring team with only women in mind.

We believe you’re entitled to a sacred space to woman up without the pressure of a needy boss, busy family, or being in charge. We understand firsthand that to exist as a woman in this world means extra obstacles, unreasonable expectations, polite accommodations, and a life shaped by uniquely female experiences. Explorer Chick swipes left on all of it.

We dare to say women’s travel deserves to be more than an afterthought with a pink label slapped across a generic tour. Adventure travel for women is all that we do. Every itinerary, every destination, every experience, every detail, every safe space – curated solely and intentionally for the benefit of women.